Welcome to the Oakley Park Elementary PTA!
We are extremely grateful to have an amazing community of parents who pitch in to make our kids' experiences the best they can be!
A successful year can only happen with a lot of help. The number one reason to join the PTA is to benefit your child. In doing so, you also help the entire school community.
Executive Board
President: Nicole Savoie
Vice President: Danielle Herbeck
Treasurer: Karina Ortega
Secretary: Maria Messina-Wiersma
VP of Family Events: Laura Bruce
VP of Fundraising/Raffle: Niki Heinz
VP of Membership: Melissa Tapper
VP of Volunteer Coordination: Andrea Batchelor
VP of Communications: Maria Messina-Wiersma
Shop for Oakley Park
We're pleased to offer spirit wear this year in which every purchase directly supports our students!
Kroger Rewards
If you shop at Kroger, this is an effortless way to contribute to the PTA. All you have to do is link your Kroger card to the Oakley Park Elementary PTA.
Please encourage others (grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.) to link their cards to our school as well. All the money contributed to the PTA goes right back to the school, kids events and activities.