Walled Lake Western students bring holiday magic to local community
The Warriors got into the holiday spirit and spread pure joy to the local community ahead of the holidays by helping families and children in need.
Walled Lake Western social worker Heather Wiley partnered PTSA president Sarah Piggott, school staff, Fit Body Boot Camp of West Bloomfield, and Warriors’ student leadership to raise over $2,000 to support 20 Western families in need with gifts, food and gift cards this holiday season.
The Warriors’ International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme held their third annual Toy Drive, which benefits children currently going through treatment at Mott Children’s Hospital in Ann Arbor. The biggest needs this year were Legos, dolls, action figures, puzzles and board games. The Warriors successfully collected and donated over 500 items.
“Dr. Ami Friedman and I are so proud of the Western Community for their generosity and kind spirit this holiday season,” said Walled Lake Western CAS coordinator, Jamie Ripley.
Walled Lake Western National Honor Society and Student Leadership students also held a Clothing Drive. The Warriors received more than 1,600 articles of clothing. They donated 55 boxes of clothing to the Purple Heart Foundation, as well as five to rebuild the Western Care Closet.
“This phenomenal achievement speaks volumes about the generosity and community spirit thriving within Western,” said Breiana Brooks, who’s an English teacher and National Honor Society advisor at Western. “Thank you to each member of the staff, every volunteer, all who donated, and our amazing student body. Your combined efforts are greatly appreciated.”